Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So much is happening

One thing I'm happy to see is that this port deal doesn't look like it's gonna happen. Even with Bush threatening to use his veto "powers," his party is trying to skamper away without calling attention to themselves. Torn between party loyalty and national security, it seems they still can't get away fast enough.

Now we learn the National Guard did not (and to the best of my knowledge, still hasn't) back the deal because of several, some major, gaps in security. Yet Shrub specifically stated, after 9/11, that he would protect us all from further harm. I also remember him saying something like fighting terrorists, winning, etc. I don't believe I imagined it since it is still his favorite thing to utter whenever in front of cameras and microphones.

In true Shrub form, he has promised funding and equipment for the National Guard, which would bring everything back to pre-Iraq levels. Right.

Then, in an 8-0 decision, with Alito abstaining, the Supreme's voted in favor of anti-abortion protestors, in what might be the end of a 20 year battle of the wits.

I can certainly understand why they did. In 1994, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act was passed, dealing mostly with access to abortion clinics, which set out specific guidelines for anti-abortion and pro-choice protestors alike. (Granted, it was passed because religious zealots were blowing up clinics and shooting dr.'s, but anti-choicers seem to forget that it seems.)

The Supreme's clearly stated that extortion and racketeering laws could not be used to stop protests because the Supreme's were not seeking to create 'a freestanding physical violence offense' in the federal extortion law known as the Hobbs Act.'"

And now states are taking the Plan B debacle into their own hands, deciding whether or not it should be available with or without a prescription, can pharmacists refuse to dispense it based on religious reasons, will they have to direct women somewhere else or can they just flat out refuse, perhaps lecturing them in the process and more importantly, should it be available in that state at all. Since the FDA refuses to listen to their own committee members, it only makes sense.

My answer is a resounding yes, but I'm a woman who pretends she's autonomous. It's shit like this that reminds me I'm not, nor are other woman for that matter.

When I had my scare back in December, I was entirely grateful for knowing about Plan B. I didn't want to wait 2 or 3 weeks to find out if I was truly pregnant or not, then go through another abortion. Taking Plan B assured I would not be pregnant and thus, eliminating the need for the abortion in the process.

So if you want to reduce the number of abortions performed every year, the answer is very simple: allow women access to birth control and Plan B. It's easily a no-brainer.