Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Found some new blogs to read

Just what I needed, more stuff to read. Yet I think they're worthy of checking back every once in a while at least. Btw, these were found on the Bloggies website, you know, where you vote for your favorite blogs and stuff. These are some of the finalists.

What Would Tyler Durden Do? A blog keeping track of celebrities.

Baghdad Burning About stuff that happens in, well, Baghdad of course.

Ben Cruachan Blog Nature, animals, spiders....what's not to like?

Cute Overload A blog with lots of cute animal pictures to go along with the Cat in Sinks and Bee Dogs sites!

Good As You Like their byline says, "Gay and Lesbian Activism with a Sense of Humor."

Little Yellow Different says don't vote for him since he's already won 3 times and because Joe.My.God. is better.

La Coquette Hell, she lives in Paris, do we need to know anything else?

My Boyfriend is a Twat I just love the title.

Sabbah's Blog It won the Blog to Rule the World contest so it must be worth keeping on the 'ol roll.

Queerty Lots of different stuff that have one thing in common, um, being queer.

Sleepless in Sudan The blog of an aid worker in the Sudan. I just think it looks interesting.

Tokyo Girl The writing is beautiful so I'm going back if just for that.

Dooce She's a mommy blogger people and she's funny!

GirlSpoke A community of women writing about varying topics of interest.

I Don't Like You in That Way More celebrity watching so you don't have to.

Joshuaink Pretty blog combined with Brit humor.

Tree Hugger Cause the future has to be green or we're all gonna die.