Monday, October 15, 2007

And on to Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho

I honestly don't care whether he wanted to engage in same-sex intercourse (or oral for that matter) but what I do mind is the Republican Hypocrisy that has repeatedly shown itself these last few years.

I say let him withdraw his guilty plea and run for re-election next year so the Dem's have an even better reason to desolate him and ruin his career forever.

Which of course he has already done to himself because the Repub's are going to leave him stranded on the beach without a cell phone.

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69th Annual National Folk Festival

I went with 2 friends yesterday from noon until 4pm and it was great. I got to hear such wonderful folk artists as VishTen, some Persian as well as Chinese traditional music, Elana James, Cindy Cashdollar, the Junkyard Band as well as many others as we walked to various venues and checked out the One Thousand Villages Marketplace. There were at least 2 I'm sorry I missed (the other being Linda Lay) but hope to catch them on a cd sometime.

The National Folk Festival will be moving to Butte, Montana next year which is a beautiful place and should make it easier for folks to get into the folksy mood as they won't be in the middle of a very urban city such as this one.

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Speaking of Dog Parks

Here is the video of the news report linked in the previous post.

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Here's what I've been doing lately

Planning for a new dog park. This, along with several other projects, are requiring a lot of my time. Plus Peanut was quite a shithead for the first few weeks at school but now seems to be doing okay.

Surprise here: he's very good in English, History and sort of Science, but not so good at Math.

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Aren't they the cutest couple?

This is Peanut and our dog friend Charlie.

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Catching up on some knitting

I knit this for Peanut's teacher as an end of the year present as he was The Kid from Hell last year. Doesn't it look charming on Penelope?

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Meet Memphis Blue

He's our foster pup for Ring Dog Rescue and he's been the greatest dog. I got him at the beginning of August because I had an open space for a dog but wanted to do something good so rehabilitation/fostering was a great fit for us.

Memphis was approx 20lbs when he first came to the shelter, had lots of missing patches of fur and was heartworm positive. He now weighs 45-50lbs, has a beautiful coat of blue grey fur and is now heartworm negative. He has even found his 2nd puppyhood!

He is my snugglebug and sleeps on the pillow next to me each and every night. He loves to lay on me if not right next to me and I'm going to miss him when he's gone. We're all going to miss him when he's gone, even my other dog, Penelope.

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When the hell is November 2008 gonna get here?

So we can stop having a president veto a much needed children's health care plan but plans to enthusiastically sign a bill for another $190 billion for a war we need to get our asses out of, thus bringing the total price tag for 2 very crappy "Wars on Terrorism" to $650 billion.

Which our children will have to pay back, by the way.

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